About me
Zimmerbergstrasse 10
8800 Thalwil (Zurich)
Tel: 044 271 50 20
Mobile: 079 629 94 90
E-Mail: ramsimara(at)yahoo.com
Born 1973, married, mother of Lorin 2005, Nael 2006, Andris 2008 and Lilani 2014.
Qualifications/ Training
- Member of the Doula Association Switzerland www.doula.ch
- Certified Doula
- Aromatherapy for Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum with Ingeborg Stadelmann
- Comfort measures during Birth with Brigitte Obrecht-Paris
- Hypnobirthing with Sydney Sobotka
- Esalen Massage during Pregnancy with Sandra Werner
- 2014 Ausbilderin mit eidg. Fachausweis
- German (mother tongue)
- English
How I work
I believe in the nature of a woman’s body to bring forth a baby. I also believe strongly in the power of education. As a doula, it is my responsibility to provide the best evidence-based information available to my clients so that they, in turn, can make informed choices that best serve their needs. I believe that every woman has the right to understand her body and the labor process - to know what each stage and phase of labor entails, what it might feel like, and what her choices are. The old adage that knowledge is power is as true in the birthing process as it is in other aspects of life. Yet, for most first time mothers, the only exposure to the labor process they have had comes from movies and television, in which the birthing mother is rarely depicted as anything other than distressed and in intense pain. Giving birth is hard work, to be sure, but the better prepared one is physically and emotionally, the easier it can be. Everyone fears the unknown, but fear is not beneficial to a laboring mom. Few people would ever consider running a marathon without training their body and mind for the event, yet birthing mothers are often expected to meet the challenge of labor with little or no advance preparation. I advocate strongly that birthing mothers and their partners take an extended preparation course, whether they have chosen relaxation and breathing as their primary techniques for managing the pain or discomfort of labor, or whether they have decided to use medication.
As a mother of three young boys, I have learned from experience that a woman in labor deserves to be nurtured, to be heard and respected, and to be free to surrender herself to the birthing experience. For most women, giving birth will be unlike any experience she has ever had and it may completely change the way she views herself and the world. As a doula, I am therefore honored every time a woman has allowed me to share that journey with her.
Please contact me for further information.
Best regards
- Mara Jacob